What’s one thing that unites us all? Nostalgia.

Ms Yang Guang grew up in the beautiful coastal city Dalian in China. After immigrating to Singapore, she missed the taste of authentic Chinese pastries and found it difficult to adjust to the new and different foods. Staples like Mantou (Plain Bun) and dumplings were especially difficult for her to go without.

The best cure for homesickness is comfort food. Ms Yang Guang built the brand “扑面而来” to bring out the essence of Chinese pastries. Considering the importance of traditional production methods, she visited Taiwan to further enhance her knowledge. Through this trip, she was able to grasp the art of making Chinese pastries as well as choosing the best ingredients and bringing out the best of their natural flavors. Through countless sleepless nights testing and developing, the recipes were made and are available to you in our stores today.





扑面而来的开业,为热爱面食的顾客带来惊喜和温暖。大家争相品尝,互相传播美食喜讯,让扑面而来成为新加坡饮食业的靓丽风景。扑面而来独特的配方和精致的面点,是名副其实的Dough Magic。
